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“Then He got into the boat and His disciples followed Him. Suddenly a furious storm came up on the lake, so that the waves swept over the boat. But Jesus was sleeping. The disciples came to Him saying, ‘Lord save us! We’re going to drown!’ He replied ‘You of little faith, why are you so afraid?'”
Much like the disciples I come to points in my life where the storm is raging metaphorically. If I am being completely honest, these times usually occur whenever I begin to try to do things in my own strength and stress about the things that I can’t control. The other day was one of those days that I was really struggling with anxiety and everything in life that was out out of my control: work, family, friends etc. After a long day of work it was raining outside and I had to walk from our dining hall to the girls house. While walking with a friend and just between the short walk that we had it was clear that we both needed a moment. Once we got to the porch she turned on Fall Like Rain by Passion Music and in that moment; pouring rain we worshiped our hearts out and encountered the Lord. It was the most sweet and special time just standing in the pouring rain as all the cares of this world were washed away and were replaced with the love and grace of God. It’s as if He was telling me to just be, to stop striving and stop worrying, and just be in His presence. I was reminded of His beauty, power, and authority, and that even creation roars of His presence!